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(Worksite Tent)

00:00 / 01:48

Enter in the construction site of the resonance !

In front of a fully open piano, you will live an experience closer to instrumental playing.

In a playful and joyful way, in intense listening, the sounds of the piano and the roles of artist and spectator are deconstructed and reconstructed, like the piece being played.

An intimate and exciting encounter at the heart of creation, the interplay of resonances and the shared imagination...

Duration: 40 min 

Conception & performance: Gwen Rouger 

 Supported by the MMC, Maison de la Musique Contemporaine 

17-18-19 November, Festival Aujourd'hui Musiques, Perpignan, France

4-7 October, Maison de la Musique Contemporaine, Paris

3rd June Nuit Blanche ANIS GRAS, Le Lieu de l'Autre, Arcueil, France

31 May-1/2 June Festival Switch, Théâtre de Vanves, France

22-28 April résidence & performances Abbaye de Maubuisson, France

11-13 April résidence Maison Départementale de l'Enfance 95 Cergy, France

21-25 March résidence ANIS GRAS L'Autre Lieu, Arcueil, France

7-11 February résidence ANIS GRAS L'Autre Lieu, Arcueil, France

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