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00:00 / 01:44

A concert in the privacy of a caravan?

Inside, the pianist Gwen Rouger welcomes a single spectator and invites him or her to sit next to her.


The tiny sounds of the instrument mingle with sounds from outside to create a dramaturgy left to everyone's imagination.

CARAVAN, in its apparent simplicity, evokes the humility necessary for the notion of discovery and offers a rare moment of mutual listening.

Adult version : Duration: 30 min., Music: "Collector" by Charlie Sdraulig

Young Audience Version : Duration: 20 mins, Music: "Guero" by Helmut Lachenmann

Supported by CNM, Centre National de la Musique


1-4 May Festival Musiques Démesurées, Clermont-Ferrand

7-9 July  Festival littéraire, Château de la Roche-Guyon



9-10 September DOÏ / FEY’stival, Castel Fey, France



Rainy Days Festival/Philarmonie Luxembourg,

Médiathèque George Sand/Enghien-les-Bains, France

Archipel Geneve Festival, Switzerland

Passages Transfestival, Metz, France

Musée d'Art Contemporain MacVal, Vitry sur Seine, France

Festival Aujourd'hui Musiques, Scène Nat. l'Archipel de Perpignan, France


Théâtre de Vanves, France

Friche Odysées Pantin, France

Musica Electronica Nova Festival, Wroclaw/Poland


Spor Festival Aarhus, Danmark

Ear to the Ground Festival Ghent, Belgium

Festival des Féminins Paris, France

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